Renee So

Soft cover 144 pages
Publisher: Monash University Publishing
ISBN: 9781922979001
Dimensions: 19 x 27.5 cm

Produced to accompany a major 2023 survey exhibition at Monash University Museum of Art, Melbourne, Renee So: Provenance showcases more than a decade of the artist’s work alongside new commissioned essays by writers Hélène Maloigne and Chus Martínez and a conversation between So and exhibition curator Charlotte Day. Designed by London studio A Practice for Everyday Life, it features illustrations of the diverse art historical influences that inspire So’s works – from the earliest known ceramics to objects looted from Yuanmingyuan (the Qing Dynasty Old Summer Palace) by the British and French in the mid-nineteenth century.


Curator: Charlotte Day
Editors: Charlotte Day and Melissa Ratliff

Design: A Practice of Everyday Life

Printing: Graphius

Copyediting and Proofreading: Kay Campbell, The Comma Institute

Soft cover
Renee So: Provenance
£ 30.00